We Provide Freedom And Opportunity To Foreign Entrepreneurs And Families, Call to schedule an appointment with the attorney (855) 620-5511

From illegal to legal immigrant status

The Right Side Of The Law

Gaining legal immigrant status

Woman using laptop with justice icon on screen, symbolizing legalization. - Driggs Immigration Law

There are numerous people in the USA that are undocumented and classed as illegal immigrants. Whilst some are fully aware of their status and have ignored the consequences, there are thousands who are not even aware they are in the USA illegally.

The US immigration system is complex, every-changing and increasingly difficult to navigate if you don't understand the system. If English is not your first language, then it can be almost impossible. Thankfully we have almost 30 years in the business and we can help you stay in the USA legally. We deal with numerous areas of legalization such as those below.

However, give us a call and we can discuss YOUR unique circumstances and help you become legal.

  • DACA
    • Allows those brought to the country as children to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and become eligible for a work permit in the U.S
  • Inadmissible Persons
    • Any person who commits immigration fraud or wilfully misrepresenting a material fact is inadmissible. Many of these cases are unfortunately honest mistakes.
  • Temp. Protected Status
    • A status given to eligible foreign nationals of some countries affected by armed conflict or natural disaster. It allows them to live and work in the United States for a limited time.
  • Deportation Proceedings
    • If you are in the USA illegally, lose your immigration status or commit certain crimes whilst here legally, you can be deported and returned to your country of origin.
  • Out Of Status Persons
    • If you have violated the rights and privileges of your Visa, then your Visa will be cancelled and you will not be classified as "out of status". This can lead to deportation.
  • Previously Deported
    • If you have been previously deported then your options are limited, however, you do have a few options that may allow you reentry into the USA legally.
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We Provide Freedom And Opportunity To

Foreign Entrepreneurs And Families, Call To Schedule

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